Genetic Nutrition
Our ‘Feed Your Genes‘ Program
Feed Your Genes is our genetic nutrition program utilizing a technique called Wholistic Methylation. This technique is used to examine specific parts of the various chemical reactions in the body to help determine if a specific genetic expression is leading to an under functioning mechanism and how to improve its’ functionality.

Have you heard about MTHFR?

The internet world is buzzing about a genetic mutation called MTHFR in recent years due to its’ relationship with Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as overall detoxification, chemical or fragrance sensitivities, aging, and overall energy levels. If you read up on how people are treating this, you’ll see mixed results and feelings about how to treat this. Why is that?
The MTHFR mutation causes an issue in the middle of a huge chemical process in the body. There are some people who need to be treated for MTFHR and nothing else, and those are the people that do well with the “one size fits all” recommendations we see from some facilities or bloggers. Most people will need help with the processes leading up to and after the MTHFR effected area before MTHFR can be addressed. If you find someone that says “Just take methylcobalamine and methyltetrahydrofolate”, run. The mixed reviews with treating this is due to the fact that they are ignoring all the complimentary processes before and after the area that the mutated genetic code calls for and if that person needs help with the before/after processes, treating just MTHFR can cause that person to feel very ill.

Determining Your Genetic Needs
How do we learn what your genetic needs are? Using Applied Kinesiology muscle testing, we can see what is under functioning in the body and find the proper nutrient that allows it to move forward as it was designed to. Muscle testing can also determine how much of the nutrient(s) the body can handle and its’ current needs for those processes to begin working properly. We monitor the progress the body makes over time and adjust the protocol accordingly. Each patient is unique, making this process and the protocol for each person different. There comes a time where the body settles into this healthier function and is getting everything it needs day in and day out. This becomes that patients “lifetime protocol”.
Why a Lifetime Protocol?
The nutrient requirements are based on the needs of an individual’s unchanging genetic code. Since the genetic code does not change, we recognize that only the expression of them can! We want the most beneficial and healthy expression of our genes. So the questions becomes “Why get off a protocol and go back to the undesirable genetic expression?”. We want our bodies to work as best as they possibly can and the supplement protocol helps the body do just that. Instead of putting out fire after fire (i.e. candida infection, parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc.), we want to optimize the body and by doing so, the immune system will be able to put up a fight against most pathogens the way it was meant to. When we see the body working optimally, we start to see our DNA and RNA repair, reversing damage done over the course of [typically] years. When DNA and RNA repairs itself, many people call this “anti-aging”.